We are always inspired to learn more on the backstory of other successful, good-for-you brands so when Sound was recently able to partner with Bumpin' Blends, Lauren had to sit down and chat with their founder, Lisa. With both Lauren (Head of Nutrition & Community at Sound) & Lisa being holistic dietitians, they had a lot to chat about!

As Lisa shares, Bumpin' Blends makes frozen, pre-blended smoothie cubes that are designed to support different areas of health. Lisa was inspired through her own pregnancy to create something that naturally reduced feelings of nausea she was experiencing; this was the catalyst that led to the creation of Bumpin' Blends! They now have 30 flavors that rotate based on seasonality. Flavors support issues such as sleep to anxiety, energy, inflammation - basically anything you can think of!

Tune in here for the whole convo & check out Bumpin Blends for yourself! Code SOUND for 20% off!


There’s more to the story.

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